With a story that begins early in Rocky Point before the town became onto a tourist destination, this traditional hotel have an important relationship from the very begining of the development of this community, from the first years as fishing field.
The Founder Mr. Robles was not only one of the Rocky Point pioneers and founders of the town, he also became into a visionary leader and he was an important member of the begining of the tourism industry in those old years, when he undestood the magnificent beauty of the place where the Altar Desert meet the Sea of Cortés and understood this location will be very attractive for vacationers.
With all this historical Heritage, we have the huge responsability to give the best of us, of all the Viña del Mar Hotel Staff wich allways will be looking for offer our visitors the experience of make them feel better than in home.
In Viña del Mar Hotel, We want to become in your home out of your place, but much better, because here you have the best place to rest, enjoy, and share with your friends, family and relatives the best experience.
Now as allways, we are working to provide you also better facilities, renewing them, understanding you need the best services and servers. Everyday we give our best effort to be your best option when you visit our Rocky Point.